Drinking Seagulls, Part II
I obsessed about food all of the time as a child. How could I get more Oreos? Where could I eat in peace the chocolates that I had somehow gotten my hands on?
Then I obsessed about food all of the time as an adolescent.
Later I obsessed about food all of the time as an adult.
It is said that the roots of our adult beliefs and behaviors are found in our childhoods. I know that to be true for myself.
For years, I have been governed by a scarcity mindset around food and eating, what is available and what is not.
To better understand why I’ve struggled with food obsession and compulsive eating, I’ve revisited early childhood experiences. My goal has been to have compassion for what have been, until relatively recently, my default thought, feeling, and behavior patterns, and from a place of acceptance, change them.