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May 2022


It begins with love

I know this might come across as cheesy, but sustainable weight loss really begins with love.

Last night, I was thinking about all the things I want to share with my clients – the benefits of no sugar, no flour, intermittent fasting, rebalancing insulin levels, creating a protocol and planning meals, creating a new mindset and understanding thought work and self-coaching, learning how to experience all emotions, creating healthy habits, and taking beautiful care of oneself. All. The. Things.

As I was thinking about these things, it quietly dawned on me. It all begins with love. Heaps and heaps of love.

Mistakes Move You Forward

Mistakes mean you’re a human being.
Learning from mistakes means you’re evolving.
Figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t, one day, one step, one mistake at a time is growth.

Mistakes move you forward.