You’re ready to lose weight for the very last time.
You’re ready for a practical & empowering solution.
I can show you how to lose weight without diets and gimmicks.
You’re a successful mother, career woman, business owner, loving wife, sister, aunt, and friend.
You do so many things so well and you’ve achieved a lot, but you’ve never been able to lose weight and keep it off.
In midlife, you’ve spent decades trying to figure it out, and you’re discouraged and demoralized.
I’m Jenny. I’ve been where you are.
I know how you feel… frustrated, discouraged, angry.
I understand what you’re thinking. “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I lose weight and keep it off?
I’ve been there, too.
I’ve done all of the things you’ve done ~tried the latest technique, suggestion, or diet program, even therapy.
But the result is always the same… returning to eating habits that you said you’d given up for good, regaining the weight you swore you wouldn’t.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
This time will be different.
This time, you will lose the weight for the last time.
There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re not broken. You’re not damaged.
You’ve just been approaching weight loss in ways that don’t serve you.
I’ve lost over 100 pounds for the very last time.
Without a gimmicky diet.
Without shaming myself.
Without restricting your food.
Without hating yourself.
You can know exactly what to eat, how much, when and where. Without guilt. Without drama.
It is possible to:
~have complete acceptance of yourself,
~take complete responsibility for yourself with loving compassion,
~manage your thoughts and feelings, and
~have your own back.
And lose weight.
You’ll discover that weight loss is the byproduct of having authority over yourself, treating yourself with respect, compassion, and accceptance, and willingly doing the work that self-care requires.
I’ve lost 100 pounds for good.
I’ll coach you to do the same.
I use causal coaching and The Model to show you how to manage your own mind, and regain control of your life.